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Why ChatGPT will be the Biggest Thing in 2023

From Alexa to Drift to Dasha, the world of technology has seen many impressive artificial intelligence chatbots. These ai bots solve complicated problems in real time with ease. However, the world is yet to experience something as sophisticated as the ChatGPT.

This OpenAI tool was designed to provide logical and conversational answers in the native language of users. The AI chatbot also builds on past conversations alongside a vast amount of online data to develop initial and subsequent responses.

Since its debut less than two months ago, ChatGPT has won the hearts of almost everyone. The OpenAI bot accumulated over one million users just five days after launching. People are in awe of the ChatGPT because of the numerous tasks it can accomplish, especially in areas where bots don’t thrive. In addition, the ease and speed of operation sparked conversations about how the ChatGPT will supersede humans in 2023.

While people are debating whether the online chatbot can supersede humans, let us review why ChatGPT could be the biggest AI service in 2023.

What is ChatGPT?

Fully known as Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, ChatGPT is a software program created by OpenAI. The chatbot was released for mass use in November 2022. A primary goal was to create a versatile tool for people to perform various tasks. In doing so, OpenAI developed the ChatGPT to be a general-purpose AI language model. The development means it can process and understand a wide range of human language and generate responses based on that input.

OpenAI’s bot is trained on a dataset of billions of billions of words. It can generate human-like text in response to prompts. ChatGP uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the input provided and develop appropriate responses based on that input. This programming helps it fulfill its primary function of assisting users by answering questions, providing information, and engaging in conversation.

You may use the platform to ask the chatbot for assistance with activities like “solving a mathematical issue.” Then once it responds, you can ask, “And what if we change x to 5? What’s our result?” Or you may request it to check a piece of code you wrote that you’re having trouble with for faults, pointing you to where you made a mistake.

How Does ChatGPT Work?

How does it work? The chatbot does not actually understand your mathematical problems or code. Since it is an artificial intelligence model, it doesn’t have personal experiences or direct knowledge but learns from a large amount of text data and can use that information to offer helpful answers and suggestions. Additionally, it can use logical thinking and reasoning to make educated guesses and provide potential solutions to problems.

But are the answers consistently accurate? Even OpenAI has cautioned that the answers you receive may seem logical, but they could also be completely incorrect. So this begs the question, can I trust the response I get from ChatGPT?

What are the right questions to ask ChatGPT?

For starters, nothing inappropriate. Asking inappropriate, crude questions violates the terms of use, and you risk suspension or having your account terminated permanently. This seemingly harsh penalty is a result of its text-data training and a clear filter that quickly finds offensive phrases and filters them out.

Besides that, any question that comes to mind is acceptable, just that you might not get an answer or an impressive one. If you are still undecided about questions to ask, here are some tips. You can try the self-suggested questions about basic science, birthday suggestions, and coding assistance.

These prompts give an insight into the vast information resource used for training ChatGPT. For example, you can prompt it to write a poem using a particular rhyme, and it would go on to write a poem of up to 120 words with that rhyme. You can also ask it about an animal you thought was made up (At least I did).

Many Twitter users were astounded by the depth of the AI chatbot’s intelligence. They can’t stop talking about the incredible things they could do with the open AI software, such as debugging codes, correcting them, and explaining the fix. Some even said that “Google is in trouble” after comparing the quality of the responses to Google’s.

Do I have to pay for ChatGPT?

Public access to the online chatbot is currently free. However, the creators will eventually monetize it. When asked if the OpenAI service will be free forever, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, spoke about monetizing ChatGPTdue to its computing expenses. According to the company’s website, OpenAI costs roughly a dime for developers using DALL-E and could cost a little bit more to access some useful features.

Based on OpenAI’s statement that they anticipate 200 million dollars in revenue in 2023 and 1 billion dollars in 2024, as reported by Reuters, gives hope for the gratis use of ChatGPT.

How to access ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an open AI software service and is very much accessible through the OpenAI website. Once on the page, you can click the “try ChatGPT” button to access the software and set up an account on the webpage.

Why was ChatGPT created?

The ChatGPT was built to serve humanity, just like every other Artificial intelligence program. It was created by OpenAI, an organization devoted to studying and trying to make artificial intelligence systems that are “secure and beneficial.”.

OpenAI is not a rookie in developing mind-blowing artificial intelligence software. They have previously stunned the IT industry with products like GPT-3, an AI service that creates words that appear to have been written by a person. Alternatively, there is the current DALL-E, which makes graphics based on inputted textual instructions.

The backbone of ChatGPT technology is the GPT3 AI platform, which employs guided and unguided AI learning methods to train some of the most significant language models in the world.

What are ChatGPT’s flaws?

Given that it is only a couple of months old and still a work in progress, the errors are remarkably dismissible for a chatbot of this intelligence. However, the developers’ stated limitations are as follows:

  • A lack of familiarity with the world and occurrences beyond 2021
  • It could sometimes generate dangerous recommendations and one-sided information
  • Its answers could also be inaccurate

If we ignore these limitations, the artificial intelligence chatbot is flawless. It even apologizes for not understanding phrases, topics, etc., when a user asks a question regarding a subject it is unfamiliar with or does not understand.

However, if you can pose a concise and well-organized question, the chatbot will provide an adequate response.

What everyone is saying about ChatGPT

While the world is still in awe of the tremendous possibilities with ChatGPT, here are the most trendy topics about the AI chatbot use cases:

1. Can you use ChatGPT to write essays?

The academic community has debated the downsides of the artificial intelligence chatbot and whether it can embrace this new normal. One where any theoretical questions entered into ChatGPT could receive a response decent enough to receive a passing grade.

When I asked if it could compose a 500-word essay, ChatGPT replied positively. I then challenged, “And 3,000 words?” to test its creative limits, and ChatGPT responded as follows,

“Certainly! Please provide a topic for me to write about, and I’ll get started on your 3000-word essay. Writing a 3000-word essay is no small task, and it may take some time for me to complete it. Is there anything specific you’d like me to include in the essay? Also, do you have a specific deadline for when you need the essay to be completed? I’ll do my best to accommodate your requests.”

Trying to show off its impressive skills further, it responded to my prompt asking to help with a 50,000-word essay. The chatbot suggested that while it could write the piece, I should reconsider my decision to write such an essay considering resources and deadline.

An associate professor of English said, “ChatGPT Can Write Better Essays Than My College Students. That’s a Good Thing”. But not everyone is as upbeat about the open AI service’s genius as Mr. Blaine Greteman since some worry that it would encourage students to be lazy and cheat.

The situation is not as straightforward, though, as students had always found a means to cheat, even before innovations like Google, when people still copied information from encyclopedias. This demonstrates that technological developments do not directly contribute to student cheating and indifference despite making life simpler. ChatGPT has the potential to be a highly effective tool in the academic community and beyond if appropriately used.

2. Can ChatGPT replace software developers?

ChatGPT can help debug incorrect codes, correct the codes and even explain the corrections. However, since the software cannot execute programs or produce new software, replacing software developers might be a bit optimistic. Moreover, several programmers have criticized it for responding to intricate software principles in a vague and imprecise manner.

If you prompt it to write you a code, it will highlight an inability to execute code or create new software. However, it can give feedback based on what you input. You can provide an existing code and ask for changes or improvements.

However, ChatGPT might be more valuable as a programming assistant. Programmers have attested to its utility by saying they haven’t needed to use other programming apps since they found ChatGPT. Some are starting to question if this spells the end for other AI software.

Given these experiences, professional software developers don’t have to worry about losing their jobs.

3. Can ChatGPT replace Google?

This question is one of the arguments that still troubles Twitter since the release of the AI chatbot. It is safe to assume that Google would be worried by ChatGPT’s ability to provide rapid, straight answers rather than pages of links.

The difference between the two programs is that while Google offers potential solutions, ChatGPT provides a straightforward answer. One could argue that Google has an advantage over ChatGPT because ChatGPT may not be able to give a specific answer. At the same time, Google offers resources for you to filter till you find your answer. But what happens when ChatGPT keeps improving its text data knowledge?

In other words, ChatGPT is progressively laying the foundation for our technological future. However, historical experiences with artificial intelligence software demonstrate that collecting information from authentic sources is advisable before trusting them.

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