The Plain AIAI newsletter and blog to learn about the latest updates and technology in artificial intelligence | Get info on AI companies, get smarter about AI The Plain AI 2023-01-09 5 min read

An updated, hand-picked list of the best, most informative AI newsletters. Stay current on the latest updates in AI and get accurate news quickly.

Top 10 Best AI Newsletters - Looking for Latest AI News and Updates in 2023

The year is 2023: my grandma asked me about ChatGPT last Christmas. The revolution truly has begun. There is a dire need to stay up to date with the current events in AI. Opportunities abound in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science. However, the world needs more sources to quench this thirst for knowledge.

Users are searching for knowledge of technical concepts and updates in AI. People also want to know which AI companies are providing investment opportunities. So we fought through thick and thin to find newsletters about AI products that can aid productivity. If you’re like the rest of us in need of such information, you’re in luck. Here are some of the best AI newsletters out there in 2023.

1. AI Plainly Newsletter

AIPlainly is literally the AI newsletter. It’s excellent for beginners interested in knowing more about artificial intelligence. It’s also fun for established professionals who want a more relaxed read on the latest in AI. The author is Plain AI bot (beep bop) committed to explaining AI plainly.

Features of AI Plainly Newsletter

  • It’s free! No subscription or payment is required
  • Written in a plain, yet engaging tone
  • Best AI newsletter for beginners with little experience in AI
  • New letters are published bi-weekly. On Mondays and Thursdays

2. The Batch

The Batch is a brainchild of, founded by Andrew Ng. It contains essential events, news, and an editor’s note written by Andrew Ng.

Features of The Batch

  • Authored by a renowned founder and AI expert
  • Features a community of active, participating students
  • Scholarship opportunities and other educational aids are regularly mentioned
  • Newsletter is weekly
  • It’s a free newsletter

3. Import AI Newsletter

Import AI Newsletter is a weekly newsletter that talks about AI. It boasts over 10,000 subscribers who are all experts in the field. The author of this newsletter is Jack Clark. Jack Clark co-founded a company dedicated to AI research and safety.

Features of Import AI Newsletter

  • Expert-centric, so complex topics are often discussed
  • The founder was once the director of policy at OpenAI
  • Free and easily accessible

4. The Algorithm

The Algorithm is a weekly newsletter provided by MIT Technology Review. This is another AI newsletter offered by a well-renowned authority figure in the AI newsletter space. Expect weekly updates on topics from a wide range.

Features of The Algorithm by MIT Technology Review

  • The newsletter is delivered weekly
  • You need to subscribe to the Technology Review to access this newsletter

5. AI Weekly Digest

The author, Louis Bouchard, is getting his Ph.D. in artificial intelligence, and he is the creator of [WhatsAI on YouTube]( He is an avid learner and sharer of knowledge. He shares a technical paper weekly but does so with videos, examples, and projects. This is different from your usual boring technical newsletter.

Features of AI Weekly Digest

  • The newsletter is shared weekly
  • The author has a large community of active, engaging members. A feedback loop exists.

6. Inside AI Newsletter

This newsletter provides an update on what’s happening in AI and robotics. You get varying opinions from a wide array of people in the industry. Inside AI also provides a curated news section on the latest in AI.

Features of Inside AI

  • Updates are shared daily
  • An active community of people sharing information

7. AI Disruption

  • Author, Alex McFarland, is the brain behind this weekly publication. In this newsletter, he explores AI’s impending societal disruption at length. The impact of AI on tech, finance, and even entertainment can be seen.

Features of AI Disruption

  • New articles are updated weekly

8. Data Elixir

Data Elixir is a newsletter that is more focused on insiders and established professionals in the field of AI. The author, Lon Reisberg, shares information relevant to industry experts on the latest as it pertains to artificial intelligence and machine learning. Lon worked as a data scientist at NASA. This newsletter also shares new tools useful to ai engineers. In addition, it’s common to find job postings here.

9. Zero to Mastery Newsletter

Zero to Mastery has a monthly newsletter authored by Daniel Bourke. Daniel covers the most interesting news over the last month in his editorial piece. They’re currently on the 36th issue. Each newsletter takes about 10 to 15 minutes to read. This might be an option for readers who don’t want a weekly/daily update on the industry. The Zero to Monthly platform also caters to other areas apart from AI.

10. AI Weekly

AI Weekly is heralded for an intuitive, sleek design that allows readers to search through the archives. Any important news article or update shared by AI Weekly can be easily found on their website. The platform shares weekly news and updates on AI tools. It is also beneficial to engineers in the field of hardware engineering. In addition to the features listed above, AI Weekly has a “Some Inspiration” section. The reader can browse this section to get inspired. It contains a lot of thoughtful questions and counterpoints concerning AI. These topics are often not talked about enough. For instance, it explores the question of ethics and regulation.

AI Newsletter Substack

Apart from these, there are also several lesser-known AI newsletters on substack that can be discovered by searching. Share some of your favorite ones here.

In Conclusion

This is the most comprehensive list of updated AI newsletters guaranteed to inform you about AI. Learn more about AI, get smarter about the tech industry, and become more acquainted with the latest happenings.

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