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Description of AI Plainly, the AI newsletter changing how updates on content on artificial intelligence is consumed. We make learning about technology fun.

Best AI Newsletter for Beginners and Professionals

Why AIPlainly?

AI Plainly is an AI newsletter company talking about AI in an easy to understand format. Our Plain AI is a plain jane bot that explains AI plainly.

AI Plainly is well aware of how difficult it is to break into the field of AI. AI Plainly aims, and is well positioned to break that barrier. This idea is the product of several professionals from different walks of life. The AIP team is composed of your average Tom, Dick, and Harriet who had a framework for getting into the tech industry. The same concept is now being extended to artificial intelligence.

Our Mission

The aim is to make the knowledge of artificial intelligence accessible to everyone. AI Plainly has a demonstrated ability to break down erudite concepts to a base level. The authors closely follow the Hemingway rule of writing. AI Plainly is a media company commited to empowering everyone with knowledge and skills to thrive in the artificial intelligence industry.

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AI Newsletter Team

The Plain AI

Lead author and writer. Adept at creating fun AI topics and AI newsletters. Every issue of newsletter will be plain. It’s a promise. beep boop.

Editorial Team

Michael Tremendous - Content developer

Multi-lingual writer and techie from France. Loves writing, eating, and breathing. In that order.

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